Friday, February 28, 2025

We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do a quick summary of that happened and everything I completed. 

For starters, I picked a genre and pitch. Doing this hand and hand really helped me visualize my idea into real life. I gathered a team and I made it work.

Secondly, I organized a schedule and script that outlined what will happen on certain days. I needed this to stay on track and plan ahead.

I got lucky with the backup filming days as many dropped out last minute. I had to find a new cast, location, and conduct further research on how to pull this all together.

In the middle, I switched to a professional camera. To me it shows quality footage for the scene advancement. 

Honestly towards the middle I got really frustrated. I had to alter my scripts that fit my casts' personality. I needed it to look natural and not forced like the cringy short films. I am not a creative person at heart but I still try. 

Towards the end, I started to really pull everything together. It made me realize that I don't need a huge team to do this. I can be my own director and produce my version of media.

In the end, I got everything secured. Cast, location, and camera all worked hand and hand to create what I all the perfect final task. In all, my best production of media that I am confident you all will enjoy. 

Well that is all for now! Stay tuned for the post of my final task. Sending my Emeralds all my love. Remember to stay Royal green!

Above is fish working together in unity to protect their artificial habitat. They feel safe as there are no predators around, however, they understand the circle of life like all species. This is the beauty in life.

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We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...