Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Introduction: Music video

 Hello, Emeralds, my commercial is complete. Now I am doing a music video. Here is a introduction of who I am as a person.

Hello, my name is Ayannah Alincy. I would describe myself as a caring, gentle, and genuine person. I believe that having these three characteristics will help me succeed in life. Unlike many, I weigh the positive outlook of events first rather than negative. This allows me to better my mood and set the tone for the week. Some of my strengths are time management, the ability to spot critical detail, and most importantly patience. As a human, I have weaknesses too. They are expanding my creativity, being open minded, and challenging myself to accomplish hard tasks. I enjoy the beauty of green. As a toddler, I would observe nature and fall in love with how Leafs of trees were green. This led me to buy many things green from the elegance and vibrance the color gives off. From observing, I can conclude there is nothing I disapprove of more than introducing plastic to the sea and littering on the beach. It is cruel to sea animals who must adapt to the new trash lifestyle humans actively put them through. To add on, I like staying inside and having time to rest. Like some, I like to enjoy my own presence and have peace. Having a peaceful mindset relieves my brain of stress. Speaking of brains, I would like to mention that my overall goal in life is to be a neurosurgeon. On my free time, I study parts and functions of the brain to have a basic understanding before I attend medical school in the future. Being a neurosurgeon allows me to provide answers and care for people about their brains. Well, that is an overall description of me!


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We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...