Friday, October 27, 2023

AICE Media Studies--Production blog

 Hello Emeralds, I am back with the latest update on my music video. To inform new viewers, I am tasked to make a music video. I am using this assignment to test my media terms and understanding of it. So far, I have filmed two scenes. One perfect scene was the shot of me waking up. The other scene is my setting at the mall. I have extra footage that was scrapped over the fair quality. I only intend on showing high quality production to my viewers. As of now, I am filming scene three, but only with me in the view. My group has their own group shot with me excluded to display a message in our video. For my solo scene that is being filmed again, I exchanged ice cream for restaurant food. I did this for the purpose of having props that do not actively melt while shooting. It also benefited the restaurant owner, as I am promoting the food with their permission. In this process, I used my peer's phone which turned out to have a more clearer and more concise lens to capture what I am to show the audience. Next, I had to film my pees act our their scene. I took the initiative to tell them that I want them to change their dress code. I felt as if their clothing was too formal and needed to be more casual for our reasoning to relay the message to the viewers. So, we went shopping and bought casual clothes. This overall process was a fun experience. Stay tuned for more information coming. Remember to stay royal green!

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We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...