Hello Emeralds, I am back with the latest update on my music video. To inform new viewers, I am tasked to make a music video. I am using this assignment to test my media terms and understanding of it. So far, I have filmed two scenes. One perfect scene was the shot of me waking up. The other scene is my setting at the mall. I have extra footage that was scrapped over the fair quality. I only intend on showing high quality production to my viewers. As of now, I am filming scene three, but only with me in the view. My group has their own group shot with me excluded to display a message in our video. For my solo scene that is being filmed again, I exchanged ice cream for restaurant food. I did this for the purpose of having props that do not actively melt while shooting. It also benefited the restaurant owner, as I am promoting the food with their permission. In this process, I used my peer's phone which turned out to have a more clearer and more concise lens to capture what I am to show the audience. Next, I had to film my pees act our their scene. I took the initiative to tell them that I want them to change their dress code. I felt as if their clothing was too formal and needed to be more casual for our reasoning to relay the message to the viewers. So, we went shopping and bought casual clothes. This overall process was a fun experience. Stay tuned for more information coming. Remember to stay royal green!
Friday, October 27, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Quality over quantity-Production Blog
Hey Emeralds, here is an update for my growth in film. My task is to create a music video. I am using the assignment as a way to test my skills on the media terms. The overall goal is to be a director who can easily direct films with the knowledge of how to edit, shoot, and include scenes that appeal to my audience. As I reviewed my takes, I decided to film my first scene again. I felt as if the angle needed more perfection and could use a bit of tweaking. I want to present my music video as something the group would be proud of. I called my peer, and we redid the shot. The shot came out ten times better. I did a preview of my roles, and all my peers loved it. I scrapped all the old footage and sent it to the group's editor. I went back to the mall, to do the other scenes as well. Considering that I am the main character, I did not need to include the other characters in my scene. However, my peer came along to give support and feedback. This time, I changed the props and setting. I changed this to give my audience more exposure to different options that I had. The whole film's direction changed. I edited the storyline with a few minor changes to fulfil the element of surprise. Although this was a long and time-consuming process, the results provided better content that is enjoyable and more concise. Remember to stay royal green!
Thursday, October 19, 2023
AICE Media Studies: Scene choices
Hello Emeralds, I am back with another update on the music video. As a reminder, I am tasked with making a music video with peers. Although this is an assignment, I am using this as an opportunity to test my media terms. My goal is to demonstrate that I can effectively be a director of any type of media and present it in a neat manner. In this production, I am the main character. Considering that I have already filmed my first scene, my editor gave me the thumbs up to continue with the next scene. In this following scene, I am left with two options. One option concluding me presented at the mall of my group's choice. The other option being me turning on the music as I walk into the mall. I need to show the environment to give my audience clues to what will happen throughout the music video. I decided to film both and will discuss it with the group when I meet with them later when they arrive. During this process, I experienced two problems. I did not like the quality of the camera. It was fair and believed it could use some improvement. I swap cameras with a peer of my project. The other problem was many other people who were walking in the mall were in my video. I wanted to respect their privacy, so I waited for the setting to clear before I filmed. I also let the owners of stores be aware that I am filming for a project. Permission was granted and my problem had found solutions. That is enough spoilers for today, see you soon! Remember to stay royal green!
Monday, October 16, 2023
AICE Media Studies- Rise and shine!
Hello Emeralds, today's blog will be solo today. I will be explaining my own roles in the music video. The music video is intended to be a film, with my own creative approaches that demonstrate all media studies terms. This film is my personal test to see if I have a complete understanding of the terms. I voted on being the main character of our video's theme. The theme will be revealed later on for my special surprise. The main character has the vital role of relaying the message to the audience. To begin, my first job already proposed a challenge. That challenge being filming the shot without the help of my team. I needed to make sure my room is spotless, with brand new bed sheets and comforters to go along with my Mis-En-Scene. My assigned task was to complete a scene of me waking up. Without my peers, I asked my brother who has no experience with filming in angles my group has proposed. It took over ten attempts, but I finally had the shot of a perfect scene as discussed. Next, I needed to film two different scenes to compare it and send it to the editor. I won't reveal the scenes as of yet, but, this is for the purpose of not spoiling the video before it is finished. I had hesitant thoughts on whether to continue with my shot of a long shot or tracking shot. Without saying my direct choice, I did a poll. I asked everyone but my team to decide which was better. Lastly, I sent my takes to the editor and the results were amazing. That is all for today, Emeralds. Remember to stay royal green!
Friday, October 13, 2023
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Research for the music video!
Hello viewers! This is a research blog on camera techniques used by other directors. By analyzing the techniques that were chosen, the music video that is soon to be created will be great. The music video is coming soon, so stay tuned!
Take me out-Franz Fernidand
Cams: Dutch, Pan, and eye level.
Editing: Fade out, action match
Sound: Non-Diegetic Cues
Mis en Scene: Instruments, low lighting, tapping and moving to rhythm of instruments, black eye liner, and animated imagery set.
Someday-The Strokes
Cams: three shot, Pan, two shot, and Medium close up.
Editing: Dissolve
Sound: Diegetic Cues
Mis en Scene: Arcade set, family feud set with sub host, hangout/party clothing, instruments, and bar set up.
Cams: Wide shot, medium shot, eye level.
Editing: Fade out, action match
Sound: Diegetic Cues
Mis en Scene: Instruments, animated imagery set, and casual clothing.
Planning for the Music
Props - Phone, Ice Cream, Arcade Game, Table, Headphones
Location - Dania Point Häagen-Dazs, Dania Point Regal Theatre, Bowlero, Ayannah's BedroomSchedule - Filming Opening/Closing Scene 10/22/23 10:00 am. Filming Dania Pointe Shots 10/28/23 12:00pm
Backup Plan - Swap Dania Pointe With Sawgrass
Costumes - Pajamas, Casual Clothing
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Group Blog: Welcome to the amazing team!
Hello Emeralds, I am back for a new update on this new project. For this project, I had the option of working by myself or with a team. Since I am open to challenges and collaborating on ideas with groups of people, I chose a team. For my team, I searched for peers who put quality in their work and have effective communication skills. I would like to introduce my amazon team and the task. The task assigned was a music video. I chose to work with peers who aim to produce the best work. My peers are Natathaly, Stanley, and Benjamin. I picked Natathaly for her creative approaches. Stanley was chosen for his editing techniques. Benjamin was selected for guidance and latest ideas. The group proceeded to agree and greeted each other. It was decided that we must collectively plan and create an outline for the video. Next was the song choice. The song picked is called "Take me out" by Franz Ferdinand. That song tells many stories with lyrics that convey different feelings. I expressed that I want the music video to show improvement from the commercial. My group and I agreed on our interests and continued with plans for making a successful music video. Well, Emeralds, that is all I can tell you for now. Remember to stay royal green! Here is a picture of my amazing team.
Introduction: Music video
Hello, Emeralds, my commercial is complete. Now I am doing a music video. Here is a introduction of who I am as a person.
Hello, my name is Ayannah Alincy. I would describe myself as a caring, gentle, and genuine person. I believe that having these three characteristics will help me succeed in life. Unlike many, I weigh the positive outlook of events first rather than negative. This allows me to better my mood and set the tone for the week. Some of my strengths are time management, the ability to spot critical detail, and most importantly patience. As a human, I have weaknesses too. They are expanding my creativity, being open minded, and challenging myself to accomplish hard tasks. I enjoy the beauty of green. As a toddler, I would observe nature and fall in love with how Leafs of trees were green. This led me to buy many things green from the elegance and vibrance the color gives off. From observing, I can conclude there is nothing I disapprove of more than introducing plastic to the sea and littering on the beach. It is cruel to sea animals who must adapt to the new trash lifestyle humans actively put them through. To add on, I like staying inside and having time to rest. Like some, I like to enjoy my own presence and have peace. Having a peaceful mindset relieves my brain of stress. Speaking of brains, I would like to mention that my overall goal in life is to be a neurosurgeon. On my free time, I study parts and functions of the brain to have a basic understanding before I attend medical school in the future. Being a neurosurgeon allows me to provide answers and care for people about their brains. Well, that is an overall description of me!
We have come to an official end.
Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...

Hello Emeralds, this is a step by step bake as I explain my CCR to you all. Stay royal green! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kjkRGmQ0Ab...
Hello welcome back to my blog! Let us name my blog viewers "Emeralds". Just as Beyoncé' recognizes her fans and supporters as ...
Hey Emeralds, welcome back to another update. To remind everyone, I am tasked with a music video. My goal is to demonstrate my understandin...