Sunday, March 31, 2024

Podcast "Engaging audience and real media text"

Hello Emeralds, above is a podcast discussing on "how does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as real media text?" I hope you all find this informative!

  • My film flows smoothly and conveys a clear message. The Theme related to having a friend group that you arrive with and quickly separating. The audience also has room to evoke emotion seeing the  disappearance demonstrated on the cast members  faces from exploring the abandoned buildings. The cast selected were close friends who know each other in real life. This was chosen to have a relationship of trust in each other's presence. So to engage with the audience I did something risky.  I made my product be filled with suspense by adding music and context clues. However, those context clues were not predictable, but rather questionable. Why is a group of teens splitting up in a place that they don’t know about? And that was the question everyone asked when the product was reviewed. That is what I was looking for. Now the viewers want to know what is happening next.Other videos produced by directors boldly show that casts do not connect and they solely work together for profit gain. If this were a professional video, I would release it on TikTok. This is due to the fact that the TikTok platform engages a large audience who like to leave opinions on how to improve directors' crafts. However, in this current time, Tik-Tok is facing pressure to be banned in the U.S. unless sold. Therefore, I have eyes on other social platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and AMC theaters. Other social platforms often like to limit viewers' opinions and try to make as much profit as possible with many irrelevant ads. That is why, the selected distributions listed above are a perfect fit, as the ads demonstrated does not take away from the films presented or are even limited for viewers comfort. I know from an audience point of view, my interest is lost immediately. Comparably, the platforms I would distribute my product are teams who work together to find the audience's interests.

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We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...