Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What does my cousin think about this...

Hey Emeralds, welcome back to this royal blogNow, I am on the last step before I fully share my film. Are you guys excited? Okay, Okay, back to the task. Before presenting this project to you, I want to have my cousin watch it and rate it. This would be considered as my peer review for improvement. Before giving her the green light to watch, I explained the genre and tone that I aimed for. Her job was to see if I correctly did that.  

While watching it she made these weird faces. The music made her tap her foot. Then she wanted to see what would happen next when the director's name popped up.  

I asked her what that body language signified, and she told me that I did it. I successfully made a film based on a thriller. She explained to me that she loved the idea of teens being in an abandoned building, figuring their way around the place. One of her favorite parts was the cameraman being included too, as this was more of an all-group activity.  

Some feedback she gave for future films was to be less anxious, have more participants on set, and make sure the set is not too dangerous. I asked what the dangerous part meant as that stuck out to me the most. She told me she could see my team tip toeing around the set as if they were scared. If only she knew what we went through setting everything up. 

 That is all for now. Remember to stay royal green! 



Tuesday, February 27, 2024

I need to make changes to the editing

Hello Emeralds, welcome back to the palace of royalty! This is the continuation of editing.  Please note that everyone on the team made a edited film and would individually vote on the best. Remember I only publish quality work. So, mine was not the best, I am fine with voting for another film. Last blog I left off on the transitions. I stated on how I needed to fix my transitions. Part of why they weren't the best was because I only used Canva for that part. So, I contacted my team and they laughed. They said I would have a better result if I took back all the work I did, and simply used CapCut. Sadly, all that work I did gone out the window.  From that, I redid everything on CapCut and there was a much better result. there was a transition button, to ease the scenes together, making my life much easier. Therefore, I made two versionsOne with transitions that included fade ins, split screens and shakes. The second one concluded of Black flashes, black fade, black smoke, and dissolve. Personally, I liked the second one, but the team will vote anywayNow all I need is a review from a peer. I am selectively not choosing my team, so they can be creative with their own ideas. Maybe I will choose another student who is not in my class. That is all for now. Remember to stay royal green! 

Monday, February 26, 2024

Did this come out right?

 Hello Emeralds, welcome back to this royal blog. We are now in the editing phase of this film. That is all for now. Looking at the film, I see we have to film some parts over again. However, I am still editing to have a outline for how I want the film to be. My platforms for editing are Canva and CapCut. As of now, I just discussed with my team the essentials that I feel should be included. For one, I need to include "directed by." Secondly, I am adding the cast and their assigned roles. Thirdly, will be the transitions. Keep in mind that this is not the exact order. It is just the outline to present to my group.

 While importing the scenes, I noticed a problem. Most scenes were too short. I need at least a full minute for this project. I had to hurry and request extras from others who do not attend my school, but has footage of their experience. With this new footage, I have reached the minimum time limit. Now what to do with it? All I did was merge the scenes that had the same background.

 The team liked what I present, but we ran into one problem. My transitions were not the best. How did I fix it? That will be addressed in the next blog. Remember to stay royal green!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Time to film!

Hey, Emerald's, today is the official start of recordingI chose people based on their ability to come and not back out. It should be recolonized that the people chosen had to RSVP from January.  So, that is when we recorded. When everyone showed up, the weather was extremely cold or not usual for Florida.  Those in attendance were Nataly's friends, Johanna, Jacobo, Sophia, Nataly, and Benjamin. 

The first step before recording was to have marks of the building of where the team would go. The first scene of recording will be the storage room with skates, the cast members picked for this was Johanna and Jacobo. 

The second scene made many nervous, however, Sophia, Nataly, and Benjamin bravely took the challenge. I refused, as I complained it was so dark, that the lights did not do any justiceI backed out of this scene as it was broken glass, dirty bullets, and Earth knows what else on the ground. For safety, I recommended that they wear masks, as I did not know what was being breathed in. 

Next, I decided that Nataly was the main character, so I moved her to the final area, the middle of the ice rink. Before sending her, I wanted her to be safe, so I made everyone kick glass and metal pieces to the side. Understand that NO ONE could wear sandals as I was afraid of everything in that building. 

The setting was perfect, the sun was down, timing was appropriate, and everyone was ready.  This is easy, if we follow instructions, right? 

That is all for now. Remember to stay royal green! 


Below, is a image of a room filled with... old skates? Very smelly.

Friday, February 23, 2024

I need the right music!

 Hey Emeralds,  I am back with another blog regarding the music. I wanted to avoid any copyright and legal issues.  What's the smart thing  to do? Just take free music from YouTube obviously. I decided to simply go with royalty free music from YouTube and download it. I looked for  mysterious vibe. The first video was just too loud and too much for the film. The second video was more sad then mysterious. The third video, I just did not like it. I gave up. For the Emeralds, I chose to do better.

The next day, I tried again. I figured out how to add filter to YouTube to fit exactly what I was looking for. I am considering just pirating the video, however, when I post it, YouTube will take my video down. That is another roadblock.

Over the weekend, I was determined to find the perfect music. I found this music titled "Infraction [No Copyright Music] [Free... Download]. This is perfect, because it is low tone and goes perfect with the script. Well that is all for now. The next blog will be the filming process. Remember to stay royal green!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Is anyone down for a field trip?

Hey, Emeralds, I am back with an update on the new scary, yet thrilling project. I would now like to explain the group's and I thought process of my filming plans. The layout was to be filmed in front of the checked, inside on ground level, and upstairs. I will save the filming blogs for future blogs. Beforehand, we decided that everyone would wear all black and bring flashlights. I had asked one of my invited guests to bring flashlights as we knew nothing about the abandoned place. Like any new person trying something, I was nervous. Therefore, I asked my friend who is in my group, Benjamin, to go check the place out since he was not fearful at all. I received videos and photos of the place and then I decided that it was somewhat okay to invite guests. I showed them the video and pictures and they were excited. A bit shocking to me, but it works. Next, we needed to ensure safety. Therefore, a parent was outside making sure everyone was safe. The last few steps are picking what camera to use. Everyone chipped in $13 to get a $50 camera, including shipping. The camera would assure us an old glitchy theme. That fit perfectly with our plan. Dark, mysterious, and glitchy. That is all for now. Next, I will discuss how filming went, stuff we kept or discarded, and the experience there. Remember to stay royal green! 

This is a picture of the cast checking the place out.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

What will we choose? This is a decent plan so far...

Hey, Emeralds, I am back with a quick check in. Hope all is well! I am tasked with another project. It consists of details that I prefer to reveal later. For this project, the group and I decided to lay our foundation out first.  We need a location, parent approval, layout, and extra guess. Sounds simple right? I chose the genre of thriller. Therefore, we needed a suspenseful location. Not even a minute had passed before I was informed that no filming could take place on my school's campus. The group and I found this abandoned ice rink that I was not really a fan of.  For starters, the place has not been toured for over a decade. To me, that means automatically outsiders are not comfortable going there. Also, there are no authorities watching over, meaning this is trespassing. Lastly there are no nearby emergency responding places that were nearby. I decided to get over my anxiety and just go along with it. Next, I needed to find others willing to participate in the film, that was not in my class. My friends invited their friends, and it settled fast. Finally, we needed a layout. Those would be the simple instructions that I would give to my guests before I led them to the location that the group collectively chose. Easily, I gave them the script and it was immediately understood. That is all for now, I cannot spoil all the details now. Remember to stay royal green! 

Below is a picture from the location right at the entrance.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Was this a good idea?

Hey emeralds, today I will discussion the first day of production. Before going, I expressed concerns with my group about the legal aspects of what we are doing.  My reasons were, the place is abandoned and there could possible be squatters there. They assured me that everyday will be fine. Automatically a lie! Upon arrival, the place looks really shady.  When I asked, did everyone's parents agree, it was acknowledged that their parents had no idea. For safety, everyone first checked the place out. I seen graffiti with offensive language, gun shots in the walls, and shattered glass everywhere. This is the part when I realize that I have fallen into peer pressure. After exploring, I grabbed the camera and heard piece of the wall fall. Quickly, I put the camera back and did yet another search to make sure no one was there. At this point my heart is racing, knowing at any given moment, someone can get seriously injured to the point where a band aid is not enough. The cameras had to be put away and we all went up the stairs. Lots of bullets and gun power was spread everywhere. Not a big deal, since I seen no guns. Before starting the camera, I asked the taller person to hold the camera. We paid fifty dollars for the camera and I expressed that I would be highly upset if it were damaged. Now the camera started, and I referred directly from the script.  Below is one picture of the set. Well that is all for now. Remember to stay royal green!

We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...