Sunday, January 28, 2024


 This is the opening seen with are group of kids are standing in front of the abandoned ice rink. They all agree to go in the building as a group beside one girl who stays be hide. 

After walking into the building they walk around a room. One of the girls of runoff into a another room and call the others to them.

Walking into the new room they are welcome to a large pile of still sharp ice stakes. Along with them messing around with one another.

They finally walk into the main room the ice arena. They hear a scream and question the sound. Suddenly members of the group starts to vanish. Then something from the darkness appears in the view of the last remaining member and chases her.

Out of breath from running away the girl screams for her friends than looks around in this new room. Seeing the dead body of her friend. Her dropping the hand held camera, hearing screaming of the girl in the background. THEN TITLE CARD.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Script Blog

  Location: Outside Abandoned Ice Rink

Girl #1: Are you guys sure about this?

*Collective Agreement*

Girl #1: Well you all can go but I'm staying out here.

Girl #2: Don't be scared, it'll be fine.

Girl #1: I'm staying.

Location: Room 1
Girl #2: Woahguys look how cool this is.

Boy #1: Can't believe she decided to stay outside, this is awesome. 

*Girl #2 runs off*

Girl  #2 (Offscreen): Guys come inside here!

Location: Room 2

Boy #1 YO, look at that pile, are those skates??

Girl #3: Dude look, they're still really sharp.

Girl #3 Imagine if someone just came behind you and WHAM!!

Boy #1 ( Laughs) That's Sick!

Boy #2 BOOO!!

Girl #4:  You think you're real  funny, huh.

Location : Main Room( Ice Skate Room)

 Girl #4 Guys this place is actually starting to scare me, look at this!

( hear screams from the other room) 

Boy #2 Dude what was that..

Girl #4 Not falling for it again dude, nice try.

Girl #3 Guys that’s enough quit it. 

Boy #2 Hello?? Whats going on. 

(Girl #4 and Boy #2 exit screen) 

Girl #1 Guys? GUYS WHERE ARE YOU??

Girl #1 This isn't funny anymore, please come out??

Boy #1 Oh my gosh… what is that? 

(Something or someone comes after 2 members)

( Screams from afar)

( Girl #1 runs away)

Girl #1 (out of air) Ayannah, AYANNAH, where are you.

( sees body) 

Girl #1 …Oh oh no..AAHHH!

(Scream echos and camera drops)

Other info: Organization of filming


1/26/2024- Actors will be contacted to make sure they are well mentally and physically for the film.

1/27/2024- The official filming will start. In total there will be four scenes all with different shots and angles.

1/28/2024- The sound effects and voice-overs will be added.

2/02/2024- All editing is complete. Will review with group, to discuss potential changes needed to improve opening film.

2/03/2024- Final edit completed.


Filming will be at Abandoned Ice Rink.



Ayannah Alincy-Worried friend

Benjamin Shanker-Holding camera

Nathaly C- Friend

Julian Casseli- Friend

Petra Plecenik- Friend

Nataly Lagos-Friend

Johanna Amaya- Friend/Watch

Jacobo Delgado-Friend/Watch

Sophia Hinely-Friend/Watch

Filming: Benjamin Shanker, Gabriel ..

Editing: Benjamin Shanker

Directing: Benjamin Shanker

Health and Safety

To ensure our safety, adults will be present during filming. Phones and first aid kit will be available if emergencies occur. 

To avoid any emergencies, it is required that participants are not pregnant, experience nausea, and have cardiovascular illnesses that need urgent medical care by professionals.

For the scene when the actors enter the building, there will be others checking to make sure the actors are okay and safe at all times.

All participants will be screened for covid and masks will be available for personal use.

Title Design

Working Title: COLD CASE
Font: Courier font, bolded, medium size. Like this: Cold Case
Titles will show up as the camera pans around the room.
Titles will go away as the camera moves them off screen or characters pass by them. 
The color will be decided to match the background of the scene. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Title Research: Gone Girl

 What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

-Production Studios
-Movie title
-Casting Director
-Sound Designer
-Costume Designer
-Film Editor
-Production Designer
-Director of Photography
-Executive Producers
-Original Author

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 
For the first half of the opening sequence the camera focuses in on the head of a woman as she is cuddling with her husband/boyfriend. This introduces the audience to a character that will presumably be important later on. In the second half, the images shown are from around the town of North Carthage, showing the setting of the film. 

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening sequence? 
Throughout the opening sequence there is uneasy background music found commonly in the genre of thriller. This is then combined with a quick and disturbing voice over from the main character as the camera is focusing on the girl. Both of these added together with low, early morning lighting, and visuals of an empty town create a suspenseful feeling for the audience early on. 

Title Research: Get Out

  What are the Titles displayed in the Opening 

- Company / Production studio 

- Association with Other Productions

- Director 

- Film Makers

- Music Production

- Writer Production

- Costume Production

- Edited Production

- Production Designer

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

 - At the start, we are taken to a night with a turned-on car. Then a quick jump to a sunline light forest. That went on for a decent bit. then we are shown the home of what is to think is the main character inside his home. Although they didn't prioritize at face value. they being of a sense of uneasiness when watching the opening.

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the 

- It is always dark and or, nearly quite never a seems of home. Forest to dimly light street you never know what is going on or what's about to happen. and for the most part, everything seems normal and nothing seems like it's going to jump out and take your head off. but the picture they are making it doesn't seem out of the realm of possible 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Title research:( Stranger Days)

 What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

 - Throughout the opening sequences around three titles are shown. The first being the film studio title, followed by the production company title, finally presenting the title card of the movie only with the name of the movie, "Strange Days".

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

-In the beginning here was a slight glimps of an eye followed by static and the whole sequence of violence and crimes are the first audience is shown, showing that the film. Not much was prioritized but the setting and and the slight sight of technology around them were what the audience was mostly shown 

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the 

- In the beginning, the images of static and overall of the risky setting we start in. The acting of being frantic and preparing but slipping up, the dialogue, being very inappropriate and the props of a mask and firearm being given to the person who the audience is lead to relate to through First-person POV, all of this added up gives the audience the impending feeling of danger and something illegal about to be committed.


Monday, January 8, 2024

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

As the final task is something the group has never researched on, will will start step by step. We went with the website Art of the Title, to get a overall idea on how thriller opening sequences are conducted. On the site, we seen endless opening sequences with the repetition of a thumbnail with the title of the movie displayed. While taking notes on the directors and their teams approach to title designs, it is quite noticeable on how the horror and thriller movies have a mysterious or dark title. It is also in the middle of the dark thumbnail with eerie texts. Opposite to this, we observed how the action, romantic, and comedies featured the main character displayed on the site of their movies. On that note, we decided to follow these features of a dark thumbnail and text that displays a mysterious mood to the audience. To further collect more research, without watching, we seen how the site lays out a storyboard for each movie. Considering, that we are only focusing on title research, this was not helpful yet. Below the selected movie, was a proper credited team that put together the opening sequence. This was helpful, to give our team an outline on how to set up our credits and assign specific roles. 

We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...