This is the opening seen with are group of kids are standing in front of the abandoned ice rink. They all agree to go in the building as a group beside one girl who stays be hide.
After walking into the building they walk around a room. One of the girls of runoff into a another room and call the others to them.
Walking into the new room they are welcome to a large pile of still sharp ice stakes. Along with them messing around with one another.
They finally walk into the main room the ice arena. They hear a scream and question the sound. Suddenly members of the group starts to vanish. Then something from the darkness appears in the view of the last remaining member and chases her.
Out of breath from running away the girl screams for her friends than looks around in this new room. Seeing the dead body of her friend. Her dropping the hand held camera, hearing screaming of the girl in the background. THEN TITLE CARD.