Friday, September 29, 2023

AICE Media Studies: Reflection

Hello Emeralds, I am back to give a reflection on my commercial. For my commercial, I used my phone, laptop, camera roll, and an editing app called CapCut. On my phone, I only needed to insert images and videos into the editing software. My laptop contributed by adding transitions and texts to the commercial to establish a format. The camera roll had a specific album titled "commercial media" to ensure it included commercial worthy images and videos. CapCut was the app that made my commercial come together in perfection. The materials I used made my commercial easier to work on. In all, the technology provided allowed my commercial to flow smoothly.      

    Putting this commercial made me realize a lot of things. A pinpoint of that would be creativity. I learned how to create code from YouTube and embed it. Also, adding transitions to create a certain flow. Challenging myself to higher standards. Another factor would be taking extra time to search for inspiration. Overall, I gained the official experience of being a director of my own commercial, using my own format. 
     Watching my commercial gave me ideas on how to improve. Next media content, I will add text boxes going in depth of what I am presenting. Also, peers advised me to include more of my interest to give my audience more exposure to my habits. I needed that advice to build a trust and connection with the Emeralds. Additionally, I learned that certain copyrights are not allowed in certain countries. I hope to be guided on how to avoid that or receive permission from artists to use their music. To end, noticing my weaknesses only improves my quality of work. Remember to stay royal green!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

AICE Media Studies Commercial

Hello Emeralds, this is my commercial. Hope you all enjoy! Remember to stay royal green.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

AICE Media Studies: Editing

     Hey Emeralds! I am back to report my weekly update on my commercial. As a reminder, the commercial will be an introduction of me. As promised, I added more creative features to show my dedication to my viewers. Although, while trying to add ingenious effects to my commercial, I really had to think outside the box.  That became a tough challenge for me. I simply lack the motivation to stand out from the typical introduction that others present. I determined that with a quick breather and frozen blueberries, I will complete my goal. Then, I sat for a couple minutes in utter silence, contemplating on what to add next. I watched my commercial repeatedly just to make minor changes, such as picking a different transition or volume of my audio. Unexpectedly, I received a knock from my six-year-old cousin. He observed that I have been spending lots of time on my commercial and gave me a gift. The gift was a soft stuffed bear. He had explained that the bear signifies putting effort into everything you do without the stressing of your brain. I took extra time to process the gift and thank him for the kind offering. I showed him my commercial and he was impressed. Since my cousin is a media fan himself, he advised me to have a cover art scene first for more organization and format of the commercial. He also followed by with telling me to include more media about me and less rewards. I was a bit unsure, so the next day I went for a classmate's opinion. My classmate agreed. They helped me realize that humans love human connections and not object connections. I myself would like to be able to connect with content creators rather than just providing products of images that do not relate to them. I will use my remaining time to make the best commercial that the Emeralds would love to see. That is all for now. Remember to stay royal green!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

AICE Media Studies: Setting the commercial up.

 Good morning, Emeralds! Hope all is well. Just wanted to update you all on my commercial progress. The commercial will be an introduction of myself and who I am to viewers of my blog. My goal is to improve my creativity. As of now, I have decided to use the app named CapCut. As of now I just have my photos and videos inserted. It looks very bunched up with no transitions. After watching my draft, I decided that I want my commercial to tell a story about me. I took twenty minutes to learn all  the features and transitions that CapCut provides for free. While doing this, the app gave me the option to add captions. Just what I need to help my commercial have a flow.  I added captions, but to have a steady flow and show a commercial, I had to get rid of some videos. In replacement, I added videos of my travelling. Outside of spending time with nature, I like to be exposed to new things. I am trying to connect a story of me as a blogger. In CapCut, I placed my media content in chronological order. First will be content of me. Then content of my family and I. Lastly, my hobbies and interests. Thanks for the support, Emeralds. Remember to stay royal green!

Friday, September 15, 2023

AICE Media Studies Production: Editing App set up.

     Morning Emeralds! Hope all is well! It is Ayannah checking again with a quick update with my commercial. The commercial is just a introduction of me and who I am. My commercial is slowly but surely coming together. Considering that my media content was chosen, I will start applying it to an editing software. Knowing that I lack creativity, I strive to make the most creative commercial for the Emeralds. I truly want to make the commercial an interesting introduction from me to the Emeralds.  For the editing software, I have done research on CapCut, Canva, and iMovie. Based on the results and reviews, CapCut takes the lead! I found iMovie too complicated and not straightforward with features. Canva requires payment to use features that are not that great. Capcut provides template and features that will make my commercial perfect for the creative aspect of it.  One issue came to my attention. CapCut is so advanced and well put together, I have to find a way to make the commercial more unique. Surely, that is a challenge that I enjoy receiving. Now that CapCut is my choice, I have entered photos in. All I see is pictures put together with nothing to transition the pictures of portray a commercial to viewers. Until Next time Emeralds! The spoiler will be revealed. Stay royal Green!

Monday, September 11, 2023

AICE Media Studies Production Blog: Finding the perfect pictures.

     Greetings Emeralds! It is Ayannah, just providing a brief update for my commercial. My production blog simple consists of my media choices and explanations to why I chose those media options. Since my commercial will be an introduction of me, I would like to provide pieces of media of me that is more personal. These will be pictures of myself and my interests. I hope to provide the Emeralds with content that helps them see a deeper understanding of me. As you may already know that I like green, and doing well academically, what other things do I do with time at the grasps of my hands? Well, that is my main target for this commercial. I know as a viewer of other blogs, I like to see who they are. Therefore, my first few media pieces will be pictures of me. Next, will be the media of my family and I to show my roots. Family is a representation of who you are. In my media content, I want the Emeralds to see that my family's support made me into who I am today. A soon to be Global blogger for the Emeralds! That of course will happen with the continuous support and motivation from family. Lastly, I will show my academic achievements. Knowing that school is not granted for everyone, I want to be able to use these opportunities to increase my knowledge and be more open to challenges my way. Over the years, I collected photos to reflect on the moments I have gotten past my challenges. Well Emeralds, that is  my update for today! Stay royal green!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

AICE Media Studies Project: Planning and Research Blog

Hello welcome back to my blog! Let us name my blog viewers "Emeralds". Just as BeyoncĂ©' recognizes her fans and supporters as the "Beehive", I would like my viewers to be and feel acknowledged. Emeralds, I have been assigned to create a commercial about me. My focus for this commercial is to let the Emeralds have a more personal and direct connection with me.  Considering that creativity is not my best characteristic, I have decided to strengthen that. I will use my favorite color, or formally known as the best color which is green! Before planning, I would prefer to layout a blueprint. My media pieces will include the color green, awards, and people who influence me to become the person I am today. I like artists who include lyricism and actual rap into their music. So, for my audio, I have the honor of using a song from Nicki Minaj, called "Last Time That I Saw You." My media pieces will include me holding awards and spending time with family. My goal is to show the Emeralds that I balance my social life and academic life equally.  Now that the blueprint is complete, let us do the actual planning and research. Feedback from my peers advised me to begin my commercial with pictures of me as a young child that show my interest and hobbies. With that advice, I will build it with media content of me changing and revisiting the things I love. With Nicki Minaj's audio, which is calm and cool tone, I aim to show the Emeralds that I prioritize peace. Lastly, I will revisit nature and show the admiration of nature, to create an affectionate feeling I stated in the introduction Blog. I hope to endeavor the mastery of creativity. To end, Emeralds, stay green!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Intro Blog

 Hi, my name is Ayannah Alincy. I would describe myself as a caring, gentle, and genuine person. I believe that having these three characteristics, will help my succeed in life. Unlike many, I weigh the positive outlook of events first rather than negative. This allows me to better the mood and set the tone for the week. Some of my strengths are time management, the ability to spot critical detail, and most importantly patience. As a human, I have weaknesses too. They are expanding my creativity, being open minded, and challenging myself to accomplish hard tasks. I really enjoy the beauty of the color green. As a toddler, I would observe nature and fall in love with how leafs of trees were green. This led me to buy many things green from the elegance and vibrance the color gives off. From observing, I can conclude there is nothing I disapprove more than introducing plastic to the sea and littering on the beach. I find it cruel to the sea animals who have to adapt to the new trash lifestyle that humans actively put them through. To add on, I like staying inside and having time to rest. Like some, I like to enjoy my own presence and have peace. Having a peaceful mindset relieves my brain of stress. Speaking of brains, I would like to mention that my overall goal in life is to be a neurosurgeon. On my free time, I study parts and functions of the brain to have a basic understanding before I attend medical school in the future.Being a neurosurgeon allows me to provide answers and care to the people about their brains. Well, that's an overall description of me!

We have come to an official end.

 Well Emeralds, it is time. Today is the last day of production and I just want to express my appreciation towards your patience. Let us do ...